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Welcome to 2022!

Apparently I am granting myself the authority to welcome you to the new year. LOL! We are looking forward to working with you this year! We have some changes coming to the website and to the services that we are able to offer to everyone.

Those big announcements are coming SOON… we promise!!

In the meantime, here’s a thinking challenge:

How often do you begin a new year and plan to make it productive and organize your life? It’s either get organized, eat healthier, exercise or all of the above.

In my life, I make certain “starting times” for these tasks. Rather than just DOING IT IN THE MOMENT, I always WAIT.

Here are some examples of my start times throughout the year. January - New year, new me!, then it becomes… April - SPRING! Let's get ready for summer, but then that turns into... September - beginning of educational year...and then maybe just… Monday or the Start of a new month… I could probably go on but I think that you get the idea.

Does anyone else feel me?

I recently started working with a health coach (Tara Ryan (@tararyanofficial) for anyone who is looking for one - I HIGHLY recommend her!) and this is something that I normally would have put off until the new year, until I had “extra” money.

Who knows if I ever would have started but, I did and I actually have Shawna (our founder!) to thank for that! She suggested that I do it. “What are you waiting for?” she asked me... And she was so right. Have you been waiting to start your journey with us?

Are you waiting for Monday? A new month?

There is no harm in scheduling a FREE discovery call with us and seeing what we can do for you. You may not even know about all the ways that we can help you.

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