Does anyone else spend just a little too much time lying in bed scrolling on your phone? We do too, but we wanted to share with you some of our favourite accounts to follow on Instagram. These are the folks that are inspiring and educating us, so it doesn't feel like a complete time waster!
@myexcelonline - Who doesn't love knowing the hacks to make the most of Excel! We follow this account and learn more about how we can use Microsoft Office to help our clients
@reshmasaujani - Reshma is the reason Zeda Virtual Assistants exist. After reading Reshma's book Brave, Not Perfect, Shawna knew starting her own business was something she wanted and COULD do!! And here we are.
@akvirtualassistant - Ashley Kay is our amazing new business mentor and full of lots of tips and tricks and reminders that you can kick butt!
@jamievaron - Jamie is full of real and honest posts that make you think and possibly even change your outlook. Her book Radically Content was eye opening for Shawna and changed how she felt about herself and her life.
@oncanadaproject - Shawna loves this account because it breaks down what is going on in the world in some simple posts. It's easy to get overwhelmed with the news so this account sums it up fabulously! In their words:
"On Canada Project is the largest community digital media platform in Canada that centers marginalized experiences while writing about system inequities and issues facing our country and the world."
What Instagram accounts should we be following? Let us know in the comments!